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You cannot manage what you don't measure!


Managing a successful Predictive Maintenance Program requires Key Performance Indicators and Metrics


Setting up a Predictive Maintenance program typically focuses on which predictive technologies to deploy on which equipment and the specific frequency for data collection. Although, these are some of the key components required for program development, equally important but not often considered is developing a methodology for program management, continuous improvement and measuring success or failure.  


Building a program with an eye on continuous improvement must include a set of KPIs / metrics to measure actual performance and effectiveness.  The following is a summary of some of the best metrics to allow program managers to continually adjust the program to align and achieve site wide goals and objectives.


There are four primary areas of focus for PdM metrics:


  • Program Performance

  • Program Efficiency

  • Asset Performance

  • Financial


The program performance metrics focus on the ability of the program to properly assess the condition of each asset and the timely reaction to impending failure mode. The program performance metrics are the leading metric for evaluating overall asset health covered within the program. Some of the metrics in this category:


  • Faults found by severity

  • Assets with no faults found

  • Corrective work orders issued from PdM finds

  • Number of assets with PdM applied (% of total)

  • Emergency work order on PdM assets

  • Planned corrective work orders on PdM assets

  • PdM route completion rate


The program efficiency metrics measure the program execution:


  • Assets/Points per man-hour

  • Percent of skipped or missed points

  • Ratio between data collection time versus analysis time

  • Data collected on scheduled

  • Data analyzed/reported on time

  • Hours planned versus actual versus budgeted

  • Problem found (calls) vs. work performed

  • Equipment coverage

  • Missed calls on PdM equipment (unplanned failure on covered equipment)


The asset performance metrics measures how well an asset perform its function as intended or required. The PdM program may not be the main influencer of these metrics.  Other facility actions may affect these metrics.


  • Mean time between failure (MTBF)

  • Uptime / asset availability

  • Unscheduled downtime

  • Missed failures from applied PdM

  • Mean time to repair (MTTR)

  • Bad Actors

  • Reliability Index by asset type/class/OEM


The financial performance metric measures the amount of cost benefit from the PdM program. The cost benefit can be grouped in two categories; cost savings (hard) and cost avoidance (soft). An example of cost savings would be direct savings in energy consumption. A cost avoidance is a determination of what the cost would have been if the PdM technologies were not used on the asset and it was allowed to run to failure.


Cost Avoidance = (Projected Failure Cost) - (Actual Cost of Repair)


Projected failure cost = avoided lost production cost + avoided labor costs + avoided parts/material costs


Actual cost of repair = actual lost production (scheduled) cost + avoided labor costs + avoided parts/material costs


Let us help manage your facility's reliability efforts through Enhanced PdM. Learn more about PdM Program Management and its proactive benefits.

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